Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas....

well...not quite in these pictures, but it's time to start planning! I am excited to start showing off the holiday card designs I am offering this year. Keep checking back (all you blog stalkers out there) to see a sample of cards as I continue to post pictures from sessions. If you see something you like, let's get together and do a Holiday Session!

While showing off some holiday cards, I also want to introduce you to the Holton Family. I had the pleasure of spending some time with them out at their lake house this weekend, as they celebrated the oldest son's 40th birthday and grieved the loss of UGA's football game. This family is spread across the southeast and don't get to see each other often enough, so it was a perfect occasion to get some family pictures. If you can't tell already, they are very much Georgia Bulldog fans! Enjoy this sneak peak and holiday card preview!

1 comment:

brandi said...

I love these! ur photos are great, the christmas card ideas are great! U have a wonderful talent! Thank you so much for capturing a moment!